Kevin E. Staub

Working papers

Heterogeneity in the persistence of health: Evidence from a monthly micro panel

  S Hoskins, DW Johnston, JS Kunz, MA Shields, KE Staub

Online accessibility of scholarly literature, and academic innovation

  T Boppart, KE Staub

Estimating trade network models without network econometrics

  PH Egger, KE Staub

Trade preferences and bilateral trade in goods and services: a structural approach

  P Egger, M Larch, KE Staub

Peer-reviewed publications

The importance of sampling frequency for estimates of well-being dynamics

  S Hoskins, DW Johnston, JS Kunz, MA Shields, KE Staub

  Economics Letters, forthcoming.

Assessing the quality of public services: For-profits, chains, and concentration in the hospital market

  JS Kunz, C Propper, KE Staub, R Winkelmann

  Health Economics, forthcoming.

The effect of voluntary Health Star Rating labels on healthier food purchasing in New Zealand: Longitudinal evidence using representative household purchase data

  L Bablani, C NiMhurchu, B Neal, CL Skeels; KE Staub, T Blakely

  BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health, 5(2), 227-234, 2022.

Predicting individual effects in fixed effects panel probit models

  JS Kunz, KE Staub, R Winkelmann

  Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, 184, 1109-1145, 2021.

The effects of self-assessed health: Dealing with and understanding misclassification bias

  L Chen, PM Clarke, DJ Petrie, KE Staub

  Journal of Health Economics, 78, 102463, 2021.

The effect of income-based mandates on the demand for private hospital insurance and its dynamics

  T Buchmueller, TC Cheng, NTA Pham, KE Staub

  Journal of Health Economics, 75, 102403, 2021.

The impact of voluntary front-of-pack nutrition labelling on packaged food reformulation: A difference-in-differences analysis of the Australasian Health Star Rating scheme

  L Bablani, C NiMhurchu, B Neal, CL Skeels, KE Staub, T Blakely

  PLOS Medicine, 17 (11), e1003427, 2020.

Early subjective completion beliefs and the demand for post-secondary education

  JS Kunz, KE Staub

  Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 177, 34-55, 2020.

feologit: A new command for fitting fixed-effects ordered logit models

  G Baetschmann, A Ballantyne, KE Staub, R Winkelmann

  The Stata Journal, 20 (2), 253-275, 2020.

Does the stork deliver happiness? Parenthood and life satisfaction

  G Baetschmann, KE Staub, R Studer

  Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 130, 242-260, 2016.

GLM estimation of trade gravity models with fixed effects

  PH Egger, KE Staub

  Empirical Economics, 50 (1), 137-175, 2016.

Consistent estimation of the fixed effects ordered logit model

  G Baetschmann, KE Staub, R Winkelmann

  Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, 178 (3), 685-703, 2015.

A causal interpretation of extensive and intensive margin effects in generalized Tobit models

  KE Staub

  Review of Economics and Statistics, 96 (2), 371-375, 2014.

Consistent estimation of zero-inflated count data models

  KE Staub, R Winkelmann

  Health Economics, 22 (6), 673-686, 2013.

The trade effects of endogenous preferential trade agreements

  P Egger, M Larch, KE Staub, R Winkelmann

  American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 3 (3), 113-143, 2011.

Relative Status and Satisfaction

  S Boes, K Staub, R Winkelmann

  Economics Letters, 109 (3), 168-170, 2010.

Simple tests for exogeneity of a binary explanatory variable in count data regression models

  KE Staub

  Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 38 (9), 1834-1855, 2009.

Statistical software components

BRFEGLM: Stata module to perform bias-reduced estimation of fixed effects panel models

  A Ballantyne, JS Kunz, KE Staub, R Winkelmann

  Current version: 2020.

  Download and installation instructions here.

FEOLOGIT: Stata module for fitting fixed effects ordered logit models

  G Baetschmann, A Ballantyne, KE Staub, R Winkelmann

  Current version: 2020.

  To install, type "net install st0596" in Stata.

BRGLM: Stata module to perform bias-reduced estimation of binary response models

  JS Kunz, KE Staub, R Winkelmann

  Current version: 2017.

  To install, type "ssc install brglm" in Stata.

Department of Economics

111 Barry Street

The University of Melbourne, 3010 VIC



Email: kevin.staub[at]

Phone: 03 903 53776

Office: FBE 344

This version: May, 2024

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